STD Resources for Providers

The Public Health Institute at Denver Health serves as a local, regional and national resource for professionals working in STD and HIV care and prevention. If you don't find the information you are seeking below, please send us an e-mail.

Clinical Resources

Data, Resources and Publications


Educational Services and Professional Training

The Denver Sexual Health Clinic serves as a resource for medical professionals working in STD and HIV care and prevention. We can provide clinical rounds and educational opportunities for medical staff through the Denver Prevention Training Center. The Denver Prevention Training Center also has a wide range of other education and training opportunities that address STDs and effective prevention interventions.

Referrals to STD and HIV Care Services


The Denver Sexual Health Clinic prides itself on research. Our current research endeavors include Strengthening the US Response to Resistant Gonorrhea (SURRG), the Oropharyngeal gonorrhea test of cure evaluation project and mycroplasma gennitalium surveillance. Learn more about our research efforts.